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Tuberose Petals Reed Diffuser

Tuberose Petals Reed Diffuser

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The unforgettable memory of tree orchid hunting in Tokyo, finding exotic blooms nestled high in cedars along temple trails. Oriental Noir could put you in the mood to discover something new, to leave your comfort zone, or at least provide the ‘stuff’ that dreams are made of. Orchid is said to aid sleep, it's the sandman of our scented apothecary, we use it in this fragrance to put the feeling of quiet within reach.

This daringly dark oriental scented candle beautifully entwines the aromas of extraordinary florals, soft spices and woods. Like the moon rising in the exotic East, the perfumed particles of sweetly powdered white orchid and lily, intensified by the heat of nutmeg and clove, infuse magic through the air. The unexpected addition of a smooth and velvety coffee note, patchouli leaves and black vanilla pods, brings a lasting, luxurious depth.

Dimension: 300G / 10.5Oz